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    1. I Am Darth Vader

      by , 01-17-2015 at 08:34 PM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      #400 - DILD - 8:33AM

      I have a long dream that I am reading a handwritten story about surviving the zombie apocalypse on post-it notes and notebook paper. As I am reading I am in the story observing things as I find pieces of paper with the next segment of the story. I don't recall everything as a lot happened that didn't make much sense.

      I have an FA and find my cousin Jared with guns and heavy artillery. He's prepping for an attack. Then he has a suction cup ball that he throws around.

      The ball is spewing out some kind of water color and I think of the color run but it's all over my bedroom walls. I hope it will wash. The ball comes my way and paint gets in my mouth. I sit up and choke on it a bit then tell Jared about my dream.

      *memory gap*

      This maybe be a different new dream but I am in some Star Wars setting going down corridors and triggering switches. I have entered some robotic body like a mech suit or something similar. It's hard to recall all that happened but it all very video game like. during the next part I gradually become lucid without any real 'ah ha' moment. I am done with whatever I was doing and come to a new area. I see the crumbled body of Darth Vader in a corner. There seems to be some metallic connecting points in his torso and I decide that I should be able to embody him like I did with the robot. I set over him and sink in. I see the dark uniform cover my body and I stand up. I hear my Darth Vader breathing sound, "Ruuuuu. ppppprt. Ruuuuuuuu. ppppppprt." I feel dark and powerful and continue down a new set of corridors. I can' remember all that I did but activate switches, force jump over gaps, and use the force to move objects. I move swiftly through the obstacles with ease. I come the end of one section. There is a colorful panel on the floor. I decide it must the an elevator platform. I stand on it and it descends to darkness. I worry about the void here and focus on seeing the next section. After a moment I see that I am on a high catwalk with a yellow rail. I am facing the rail and decide to vault over it. I think about my method but for some reason force jumping over seems too hard. Instead I put my hands on the rail and launch a flip over the side. I worry about the visual of spinning destabilizing the dream and actually slow things down so its not too disorienting.

      At the bottom and I land firmly and am facing a some sliding glass doors like at a grocery story. I use the force to open them and step out into a bright sunny day. The landscape is arid and desolate. The parking lot is cracked with weeds growing and there are no cars around. In the distance I see a vast dessert like on Tatooine. I feel lost here and unsure what to do next. I look around and see shopping carts strewn about. I use the force to throw them around. One cart lands at the feet of a dark skinned bald woman in light brown robes. Her eye narrow and she assumes a fighting stance. I realize I have started a fight with a Jedi and quickly send several shopping carts in her direction. She vanishes before my eyes just before the carts hit her. I wonder what new force power this. I am very intrigued. I wonder if she really vanished or if she was just invisible. I reach out and grab a shopping cart in each hand and begin spinning hoping to hit her if she gets near me. This destabilizes the dream and I wake up.

      I quickly DEILD and visually reenter the dream. No SP or vibrations this time. I am not Darth Vader anymore but I am walking down a long gray Star Wars corridor. I pass a mirror and pause. Though I am mostly bald, I have white hair that looks a lot like Will Ferrel in Zoonlander without the part. Also, I am wearing something that looks a lot like Raiment of Arden-Sul from Shivering Isle expansion in Elder Scrolls: Oblivion. (I was playing last night)

      Has anyone learnt anything from LD's-willzoo.jpg

      I find the hair very distracting and I mostly want to see what I look like bald. I adjust myself so that my hair is cut of at the top of the mirror. Somehow I turn my head to the left with out changing my view. have hair on the side and back but the top is so bald. I decide I won't look too bad if I ever loose my hair in the future. Satisfied, I wonder what to do next. LSD! I finally remember my dream goal. I want to do some LSD and see what my best guess of the drug would be like in a dream. Unfortunately, this when my body decides to wake up for good.
    2. Star Wars Droid Smash

      by , 12-16-2014 at 03:28 AM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      #389 - DILD - 11:39PM

      Bedtime: 9:30-10:00PM

      I was surprised by an early night lucid last night. I don't have much for the entry because I nearly forgot it. I did my best to recall upon awaking but I was so tired that I quickly fell back into a non lucid dream before I could make and entry.

      I should note that I was trying to get lucid prebed. I simply fell asleep being totally aware of all body sensations similar to an SSILD short cut.

      I find myself lucid talking with some woman. I am having a hard time understanding and retaining what she is saying but I feel like the information is important. I tell her that I can't understand her and the word appear in a font on a wall from something like and overhead projector. I start reading but my words sound like gibberish and I quickly realize the words are just random letters or something like a foreign language. I shout about how nothing is making any sense.

      I have an FA and tell Rex about a lucid dream that involved the three stooges. For some reason I have trouble pronouncing 'stooges'.

      I am in a field hiding behind a log having a bow and arrow shootout. I am loosing and shout at a woman to help. I call her by my wife's name. I know this is the wrong name but I just go with it. I look over the log and see a guy running up on my. I shoot him with an arrow but there is no tip and it looks bent a broken. I only hope the close range does some damage. As I release the arrow I shout, "Die mother fucker!"

      Since my LD was so weak, I decide to go ahead and do my WBTB. After a period abstinence the day before, I have 1/2 a bottle frappuccino (about 6-7oz.) at WBTB. I was really tired and didn't stay up longer than a few minutes of trying to rouse myself in the kitchen. I feel asleep once again focused on body sensations and repeating goals as a mantra. I didn't get lucid but I had some very vivid and cool dreams.


      I am extremely late for work at my parents old house. I try to put a lunch together. I look in the fridge but nothing looks good or right.

      4:03AM (Star Wars KOTOR style)

      I am walking through a starship with some battle companions. There are large orbital droids with blue force fields attacking us. I fight back with a red light saber and force push powers. The lightsaber hilt resembles a blue baseball bat handle. I find it looks odd but feels very nice in my hand and gives me great maneuverability. I make a lot fancy movements putting my weapon into a blur of red as I spin and slash through my enemies. My force push shows some light faint blue energy from my hands as the droids smash into walls and shatter. At one point I lose focus and miss a droid with my lightsaber. I think to throw my lightsaber but fear it wont return. The droid glides over my head and behind me. I try force pushing behind my back but it misses. I do a backwards thrust with my lightsaber and cut the droid in half without looking. At one point I assist my friend with a blue lightsaber by trusting my lightsaber to the hilt into a larger droid. I watch as the metal turns molten.

      I am now separated from my companions but I think I see the one with the blue lightsaber enter something like steel elevator doors. I follow and cautiously peer into a small corridor with gold shimmering beams of light along the walls. I can sense danger and I decide to pause. As I step back I see a new type of ominous looking droid materialize before me. I dodge a red streak of blaster fire as the doors close. I consider reentering to attack but my lightsaber is now acting crazy. There seems to be some red light poking out of the butt of the bat handle and the lightsaber and I am able to use my finger to push it back in. It doesn't hurt me and when I look back at the other end, I see that the beam of hot red death is now a harmless balloon. As I run away from battle I notice that I can hear air hissing into the balloon causing it to enlarge into an irregular shape. I try to hold back the air but the balloon continues to grow. I panic that I will be without a weapon and pat my side for a blaster. Then I remember that I can use the force and I drop the now useless lightsaber with new confidence.

      I come to the end of a metallic corridor and find a large air duct. I recall that this was the way I sneaked in but I sort of feel that I am just making this all up now. I find the space is much smaller than I thought and as I try to squeeze in, I become super claustrophobic. I look for another way out and see Darleen from work exiting the corridor through a side door. I follow after her and wake up.

      5:19AM (Snooze alarm)

      I am at work and see there isn't much to do. I ask Darleen what the deal was and she said there was a problem in Engineering. She tells me that when is all resolved she will be "dancing with joy."
      I jokingly ask, "Who is this Joy person?" Everyone laughs.

      Updated 12-16-2014 at 03:31 AM by 5967

      false awakening , memorable , lucid , non-lucid